Timex Sinclair 1000 - Sinclair ZX81 Part 1

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Timex Sinclair 1000 - Sinclair ZX81 Part 1

Postby crustyasp46 » Sat Nov 27, 2010 7:39 pm


Having recently seen an ad for a Timex Sinclair 1000, my old memory cells became alive, as this was my own first computer. Bought in Toronto for $49.99. I was able to get the thermal printer, 16K expansion pack, a bunch of books, and around 15 games for less than $200!

The Timex Sinclair was a joint effort between Sinclair research and Timex Corporation in an effort to gain entry into the fast growing early '80s home computer market in the US. The partner ship was natural as Timex was the main contractor of Sinclair's ZX81 and ZX Spectrum at its plant in Dundee, Scotland.

Timex of Portugal, took on research and development, and local manufacturing of the models to be exported to the US.

Timex of Scotland & Timex of Portugal were full subsiduaries of Timex, internal rivalries meant there was no contacts or experience shared between the two plants. Timex of Portugal also sold the Timex Sinclair model in Portugal and Poland under the Timex Computer Brand.

Four Timex Sinclair computers were released, all of them based ( to some extent ) on Sinclair Researches existing machines:
-- TS 1000, essentially a modified ZX81 with 2KB ram
-- TS 1500, a TS1000 with 16KB ram and a ZX spectrum like case

-- TS2068, a ZX Spectrum based machine with enhancements, namely a cart port to make it compete with videogame consoles, which made for poor compatability with software for the original. Its European sibling, TC 2068 featured improved compatability with the ZX Spectrum.

-- TC 2048, a ZX Spectum based machine with a 2068 like keyboard, not sold in the US.

In July 1982, Timex Sinclair introduced the first computer touted to cost under $100, marketed in the US, the Timex Sinclair 1000. In spite of flaws in early versions, half a million sold in the first six months alone.

They were not the success of the UK models, in contrast to the ZX spectrum, which was the best selling computer in Britain at the time.

The TS 2068 was a relative failure.

The next computer, TC 3256 was the third generation of Timex Computer Technology, but it vanished when Timex of Portugal shut down its production line. This happened just as the TC 3256 was to be launched. They also ceased repairing any of the Timex Sinclair brands.

Timex Corporation withdrew from the home computer market in February 1984, but Timex of Portugal continued to manufacture, sell, and develop hardware in Poland and Portugal for another 10 years.

Timex of Portugal also produced a Z80 based CP/M compatible computer, the FDD or FDD 3000. Most people know it as a floppy disk drive controller, but in fact , it is a computer without graphics circuitry.


Timex FDD3000 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Google Chrome_2010-11-26_20-48-32.jpg

The FDD or FDD 3000 could be used in three different ways :
-- as a disk drive controller for a TC 2048/2068 computer or ZX Spectrum running TOS (Timex Operating System )
-- as a CP/M, using a TC 2048/2068 computer running the Timex Terminal Emulator as a console
-- as a CP/M, system using the Timex Terminal 3000, a terminal keyboard as a console.


Timex Sinclair produced the following peripherals for the Timex computer line:
TS1016 - Timex 16K RAM Pack for use on a TS1000. Can be used on a TS1500.
TS1050 - Not a real peripheral, but a "suitcase" to carry TS1000, tapes and peripherals
TS1510 - A cartridge player for TS1500. It can be used on TS1000 with a 16K RAM Pack
TS2020 - Analog Tape Recorder
TS2040 - Thermal Printer
TS2050 - Communications Modem
TS2060 - Bus Expansion Unit (vaporware)
TS2065 - Timex Microdrives (vaporware)
TS2080 - 80 column dot matrix printer (vaporware)
TS2090 - Joystick to be used on TS2068 internal ports
Timex Computer (TMX Portugal) produced the following peripherals for the Timex computer line:
TS1040 - A multi-voltage power supply (printer + tape recorder (TS2020) + TS1000 + TC2048/2068)
TC2010 - A digital tape recorder
TC2080 - A serial 80 column dot matrix printer
Timex FDD - A "cut down" computer that can be used as a floppy disk controller
Timex FDD3000 - A "cut down"computer that can be used as a floppy disk controller (an upgraded Timex FDD)
Timex Terminal 3000 - A "cut down"computer to be used as a CP/M terminal with FDD3000
Timex RS232 - A serial RS232 interface
Sound/Joystick Unit - A sound amplifier for SLCD sounds and Kempson(?) Joystick Interface

Neptun 156 monitor. It came in matching black or grey colours.
TMX Portugal also sold the TS2040 and later renamed it to Timex Printer 2040.
To export the Timex Computer to Poland, Timex of Portugal had to be paid in goods. It chose to import the Neptun 156 12" green monochrome monitor, manufactured in Poland by Unimor company. Based on the Vela TV receiver, it proved very popular in Portugal and was frequently sold in bundles with the TC computers.

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The Timex Sinclair produced a cottage industry of makers of add ons as well for this little gem of a computer.

Back to gaming boys and girls :!: :typing: :greenscreen:
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Re: Timex Sinclair 1000 - Sinclair ZX81 Part 1

Postby Hot Trout » Sat Nov 27, 2010 10:25 pm

An excellent Blog and interesting little bit of history. :cheers:
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Re: Timex Sinclair 1000 - Sinclair ZX81 Part 1

Postby JAHGoVeg » Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:57 am


:clap: :good: :goodpost:

to celebrate lets grab a couple of :cheers:
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