Now I was being nice crusty, you don't have to be so snippy (mind you, I cannot interpret tone based on text from someone I've never heard talk, smilies help convey nicer tones in these situations). Second, I don't care what the picture entails or his signature, but the topic of the thread is "Does an iPad 1 cover fit an iPad 2?" not "What kind of games are there for linux?"
I don't mean to sound rude mind you crusty, but the context in which I took the text was that of annoyance mixed with a little bit of a snap, which is something I don't expect from you.
And in answer to the question, It probably will, but it might be loose since the iPad 2 is smaller by 3 mm on width, 4 mm on height, and 4.6 mm thinner than the iPad 1. Kinda like sticking an iPhone 3GS cover on an iPod Touch 4th gen... My sister does it, but the cover fits very loosely and is prone to just falling off... >.>'