Itunes 10.5 not showing iPhone?

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Itunes 10.5 not showing iPhone?

Postby leandrohailey » Fri Feb 10, 2012 9:23 pm


I have wasted my whole weekend plus a few more days on this and am fuming!!!

I want to update my iPhone to iOS 5.
To do this, obviously I need to upgrade iTunes first to 10.5.

In 10.4 my iPhone shows up, no problem.
In 10.5 it never shows, nor do my friends iPhones, my old iPod shows up OK though.

My iPhone's camera drive shows up on the PC and I can access photos no problem.

I have tried absolutely everything I can think of to fix this.

Ive completely uninstalled everything Apple from my PC and renamed any apple folder with .OLD at the end.

Ive tried restarting services, tried starting PC on selectinve startup with everything disabled except Windows & Apple services (including Antivirus & Firewall).

Nothing will fix it.

As soon as I downgrade back to 10.4 it shows up instantly!

Can anyone suggest anything?? ***!!!!!

I Have Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit on an Asus m4a89gtd-pro USB motherboard with AMD Phenom x6 1090T CPU
I have the same issue on my Acer laptop
My iPhone shows up on my housemates PC with 10.5
iPhone 4, Windows 7
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