In US Senate Internet Censorship Anti Privacy bill CISPA

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In US Senate Internet Censorship Anti Privacy bill CISPA

Postby drestrew » Mon May 28, 2012 5:10 am

Hi I am new to this forum, but on my first topic I wish to talk about CISPA or S.2105 and S.2151 in the Senate. They are both based on Cyber Security but instead allow your ISP to spy on the Web pages you view, you PRIVATE E-mails, online purchases including Credit Card numbers, Banking and Financial information including passwords and under this CISPA bill your ISP will not only turn your information over to the NSA or National Security Agency it will also turn your information over to third parties whoever those third parties may be NO ONE KNOWS and here is the best part, IF YOUR ISP OR THIRD PARTY LOSES THAT INFORMATION YOU CANNOT SUE YOUR ISP OR THIRD PARTY under CISPA a blanket protection policy in this CISPA bill. Plus under CISPA your ISP can read your e-mails you get and receive and even change them or stop you from getting them. So lets say you get information on how to change a hard drive in a dell computer, something political like to sign a petition to raise or not raise taxes on the rich, well under CISPA your ISP can now infiltrate that e-mail and either make sure you don't get it or change the words of that e-mail so you won't be able to sign online petitions or get information even on how to repair a computer if that third party is apple and would rather you send your computer into there repair shop and pay money rather then just have you the person fix it yourself. Plus under CISPA your ISP can block certain sites from appearing on the internet if your ISP decides it is a threat to there competition or whatever this third party that your ISP sells this information too, tells your ISP they don't want this ISP number being able to visit this site and poof your ISP puts a block on that IP Address from visiting that site.

YES ALL THIS CAN HAPPEN UNDER CISPA. Please read these 2 links to find out more about this bad bill CISPA.
This is not the only internet regulation bill. There are others. For example, In New York, The New York State Senate have introduced a Cyber Bullying bill that if you live in New York and post a comment YOU MUST INCLUDE YOUR *REAL* NAME AND ADDRESS on that post or you could go to jail. Its Called the Internet Protection Act Please Read:
You think that's bad, RUSSIA AND CHINA have a bill before the House Republicans that will give them control under the UN to manage America's Internet Service and Free Speech online will be 100% gone.
That is right and there are more coming. After what happened in Egypt and with the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street the politicians are becoming very nervous as a matter of fact they released a bill called the NDAA which gives the Government the right with the US Army to abduct citizens in the middle of the night without ANY Due Process and take them to Guantanamo Bay Cube where Al-Quida is .

From Fox News

As you can see are politicians are cracking down on Free Speech because they want to silence political speech. The point is this is about the internet.

Please call the Senate at 2022243121 just give the operator your zip code and tell your Senators NO to S.2105 and S.2151 The CYBER SECURITY BILLS.

Please as well sign this petition to stop CISPA in the Senate.

Please help stop
As you
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Re: In US Senate Internet Censorship Anti Privacy bill CISPA

Postby crustyasp46 » Tue May 29, 2012 9:33 pm

The governments of the world want to clamp down on internet usage worldwide. Because the internet can be used as a rallying point for action against bad government. This arises from the apathy of the everyday joe who has allowed bad government and large corporations to become laws for themselves and utter disregard for the common person.

The reason for the determination by the governments to keep pushing these "control" laws arises from the fact that the average common joe has only a limited attention span to complain and after an initial burst of defiance, it is back to support the very corporations that are determined to limit their freedoms

It is easier to go spend that extra buck on that new must have game, piece of new tech or gaming console, and reassure ones self that there is no use protesting as things won't change anyway. It is far easier and less brain taxing to choose an escapist activity than making a few waves directed at those who want to screw you and do so at every opportunity.

I for one refuse to go through life with blinders on. I would hope more people would do the same.

My two cents worth of thought on this discussion. :cheers:
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