"Are you a collect-aholic?"

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"Are you a collect-aholic?"

Postby crustyasp46 » Tue May 12, 2015 12:22 pm

"Are you a collect-aholic?"
-- or --
"How to tell if you are a compulsive thrifter."

Here is a quiz to find out if you are a compulsive thrifter.
Read each question, and answer as honestly as you can.
Don't try to "get off on technicalities"; count any "maybe"
answer as a definite "yes". Most compulsive thrifters
answer yes to more than half these questions. Good luck.

1. Have you ever lost time from work or school due to thrifting?
2. Has thrifting ever made your home life unhappy?
3. Has thrifting affected your reputation?
4. Have you ever felt remorse after thrifting?
5. Have you ever thrifted to get money with which to pay debts
or otherwise solve financial difficulties? (See also question
number 11 before you answer, if you are uncertain.)
6. Has thrifting caused a decrease in your ambition or efficiency?
7. Has a thrifting "dry spell" at your favorite spots caused you to
seek out other thrift stores as soon as possible?
8. After a great find, have you had a strong urge to return and
get more? Or to visit every other thrift store in the area?
9. Do you often thrift until your last dollar is gone?
10. Have you ever borrowed to finance your thrifting?
11. Have you ever sold anything to finance thrifting?
12. Have you ever been reluctant to use "thrifting money" for
"normal expenditures"? (Remember, a maybe is a yes.)
13. Has thrifting made you careless of the welfare of yourself
and your family?
14. Have you ever thrifted longer than you planned?
15. Have you ever thrifted to escape worry or trouble?
16. Have you ever committed or considered committing an
illegal act to finance thrifting? (Note that the urge to harm
thrift store employees, while socially unacceptable, does
not meet the criteria for a yes answer to this question. But
altering price tags, or similar acts, counts as a yes answer.)
17. Has thrifting caused you to have difficulty sleeping?
18. Do arguments, disappointments or frustrations create
within you the urge to thrift?
19. Have you ever had an urge to celebrate any good fortune
by a few hours of thrifting? (Note that habitual reading of
thrifting "brag posts" on Usenet newsgroups is a mild form
of such behaviour. Yes or no, depending on regularity.)
20. Have you ever considered self-destruction as a result of
your thrifting? (See also question 16. The mere urge to do
bodily harm to thrift store employees or other customers
does not meet the criteria for a yes answer to this question.
However, taking action on any such urge definitely counts.)

This humorous test is a modified form of a real test made by the "Gamblers Anonymous" group. Anyone who has thrifted on a regular basis probably failed this test miserably ...or passed it
with flying colors, depending on your view of the situation. I wish to make it clear that I am not in any way implying that compulsive gambling is somehow funny. Not at all! I am merely noting
that there are a lot of similarities between compulsive gambling habits and the habits of most of the dedicated thrift store regulars I've met among classic videogame collectors. (Or any of us who thrift because we want to, not because we have to.) And by the way, some college student could probably write up an interesting paper on this subject; reading up on B. F. Skinner's behavioral psychology experiments with button-pushing animals is almost scary in a thrift store context!

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Re: "Are you a collect-aholic?"

Postby Dragon Mech » Wed May 13, 2015 7:57 am

i do enjoy a tour through a Salvation Army thrift store, Good Will store or local charity thrift stor from time to time. that is if i'm in the area and have the cash to spare. :lol:
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Re: "Are you a collect-aholic?"

Postby Hot Trout » Thu May 14, 2015 11:13 am

Hi my name is Hot Trout and I am a collect-aholic. That's a weight of my shoulders.

Honestly I get agitated when I drive past a car boot sale that I did'nt know about and that I don't have the time to stop at. In my head I just keep thinking 'I bet there is an Atari prototype in someones boot and the guys wants £5 for it'
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Re: "Are you a collect-aholic?"

Postby crustyasp46 » Thu May 14, 2015 1:48 pm

Hot Trout wrote:Hi my name is Hot Trout and I am a collect-aholic. That's a weight of my shoulders.

Honestly I get agitated when I drive past a car boot sale that I did'nt know about and that I don't have the time to stop at. In my head I just keep thinking 'I bet there is an Atari prototype in someones boot and the guys wants £5 for it'

Having asked the question, about being a collect-aholic, I am so grateful having found one, possibly two kindred souls. It is so hard going through life thinking no one can possibly know how hard it is to pass a garage sale or thrift store or haunting the cyber space of the net looking-- always looking for that one hallowed moment when that piece of dream machine will finally be yours, all yours to cherish.

I am sorry fellow collect-aholics for the rash outburst of emotion,and Hot Trout, I am happy that I was able to take a weight off your shoulders. Dragon Mech, you will only achieve freedom by openly addressing and admitting your problem.

We collect-aholics shall overcome! Or die having the times of our lives!

Must leave now, awash with emotion, tears in my eyes and there is a yard sale down the road that I have made a mental note to attend. And I am on the verge of a panic attack. ( lots of work to be done on me yet!? )

Next post may be a ray of hope and understanding to us afflicted. " Statistical study of the collecting habits of classic gamers"
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Re: "Are you a collect-aholic?"

Postby crustyasp46 » Thu May 14, 2015 2:54 pm

Statistical study of the collecting habits of classic gamers

I posted the following to Usenet, some time ago. Figured it might be interesting here, too.
The original data was gathered from Digital Press' Collector's Guide, third edition,
and the data was verified by a list kept by Doug M. of Intellivision collection fame.

Apparent rank order of systems, by popularity among collectors:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(a) Atari 2600 Most cart collector's first-choice system;
87% of those polled collected games for it.
That's nearly nine-out-of-every-ten people!
(b) Atari 7800 This system is fully compatible with the 2600
which may account for it begin in second
place. 66% of those polled collected for it.
(c) ColecoVision Just under the Atari 7800 in popularity, at
62% ... but a drop-off of 25% from the 2600!
(d) Intellivision Nearly tied with the ColecoVision, at 56%.
(e) Atari 5200 Just under the Intellivision, at 54%.
(f) Odyssey 2 Taking another 20% jump downward, at 34%.
(g) Vectrex Staying consistent, at 32% of those polled.
(h) Fairchild Taking another large jump down; now at 18%.
(i) Bally Astrocade Tied with the Fairchild Channel F at 18%.
(j) Emerson 2001 And dropping down to 11% to hold last place.
(k) Any other systems? Hard to tell ... usually not listed.

What is interesting, is if you go *really* nerdy on this (as I obviously have), and you actually put this data into a chart format, you get two "clumps" or groups of collectors... excuse the lame ascii art, but here's what I mean:

Number of Number of persons who
game systems collect for that many systems
1 system only 5 XXXXX
2 systems 7 XXXXXXX
3 systems 9 XXXXXXXXX
4 systems 9 XXXXXXXXX
5 systems 9 XXXXXXXXX
6 systems 7 XXXXXXX
7 systems 3 XXX

8 systems 6 XXXXXX
9 systems 8 XXXXXXXX

Look at the X's sideways; left-to-right becoming bottom-to-top. Note that from "1 system" to "7 systems" there is a nice, even distribution of data. A "bell-curve" forms. (Or as close to one as you get with only 84 people in your study, and using crude ascii graphics.)

This is interesting -- at least to me -- in itself. The fact that a bell-curve formed at all, is usually a way to see if your methods and conclusions are valid ... it formed, but it didn't include all the data. The results are apparently valid, but the conclusions then are a bit unexpected.

Anyway, then you have an entirely different, second set of collectors starting with "8 systems" and going to "10 or more". Their data shows a sudden, upward spike, shooting far higher than the top of the bell ever got. Very interesting; again, at least to me. It could just mean that the way the data was collected is flawed (not enough systems listed by name for the second group? In other words, they are collecting for machines the others do not even consider collecting for?)

See how the middle of the "bell curve" is from 3 to 5 systems? That means the average collector probably collects for that many systems. According to the survey, it is outside the norm to collect more than that, or less than that. Note that only 5 persons collected for 1 system only; that type of focus is very rare among the collectors in the poll.

Comparing the numbers of people in both groups is interesting, too. There are roughly 60% of all those polled, in the first (bell curve) group. The second (spike) group has approximately 40% of all those polled. In other words, its not a perfect 50/50 split, but each group has nearly as many persons in it, as the others.

What does it all mean? Who knows. But the statistics show SOME picture of what's going on, even if you have to interpret the data closely, to see a picture develop clearly.

Just for what its worth, folks! Real paper magazines do statistical studies of their readership from time to time, so why shouldn't we, eh?

(Note: After posting this all to Usenet, others saw it and commented on it. One person -- sorry I can't recall whom -- said that after collecting a certain number of systems, some collectors say "oh what the hell" and start collecting for everything. I agree; that seems to fit the pattern I've seen, in myself and in others. That, and at some point, collecting starts to get addicting! I wrote up a seperate text on that theme; see my "Are you a collect-aholic?" text to see if you're addicted.)

Ward Shrake

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Re: "Are you a collect-aholic?"

Postby Dragon Mech » Sat May 16, 2015 5:44 pm

i can't be a collect-aholic crusty. i don't have enough of an income to be one yet! :lol: :lol: :bowser:
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Re: "Are you a collect-aholic?"

Postby Hot Trout » Tue May 19, 2015 9:41 am

My urges come and go over the years. At times when I have something in my mind I can be consumed by a need to find/buy/own the thing. At other times I keep it under control by not reading up on some new system I was not aware of.

That said, at ALL times, if I stumble across some stuff I am unable to pass it. To give you an example, at the weekend I was at the Northwest 200 motorcycle races (local road racing event) and in between practice day and race I had some time to kill. I ended up buying a 1980's electronic chess set in a charity shop. :wtf:
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