I have Pandora Internet Radio on my Phone... :p
Anyway, I'm listening to a track I made. It's called "Draconica."
http://www.kherr.newgrounds.comYou should check out my music peeps... I think I do a pretty damn good job.
(Silence of the Night and Memories of War are both serious pieces and are made to be for movies, hence why they're called "Movie Scores.")
*EDIT 04/02/2010 @ 04:49 EST (-5 GMT)*
Now I'm listening to another track I just produced called "Fleeting Memories of a Hero." You can check it out HERE:
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/322567*EDIT 04/03/2010 @ 10:20 EST (-5 GMT)*
NOW I'm listening to another track I just produced called "Story of a Gamer." You can check it out HERE: