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Gridlee MAME4iOS ROMs download and FAQ

PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 4:43 pm
by Hot Trout
Gridlee MAME4iOS
Mame4ios-icon.jpg (18.19 KiB) Viewed 51675 times

So many people have contacted me since Gridlee was released that I decided to put together this short quick links & FAQ topic for those members that are trying to get roms working in Gridlee.

For those of you that dont know, Gridlee is a 'wrapper' or 'frontend' program that uses MAME4iOS-Reloaded to emulate MAME for the iOS, iPhone, iPad. It comes bundled with an old licence free game called Gridlee and this is where its name comes from. The cool thing is that you can also add other roms into the roms folder and it will play them as well. :think: now is'nt that handy. :angel:

Based on the Mame4iOS-Reloaded emulator (which we also have, see links below), Gridlee has managed (so far) to get past Apple's strict controls over MAME emulators being released as apps. Another very cool point for us is that this site is one of the only places that holds a back catalogue of MAME roms for older versions and as a result we have found ourselves the center of attention.

So anyways, here are some quick links to get you Gridlee users going. Gridlee prefers MAME roms from the 0.139u1 release. You can download 0.139u1 roms at the link below.

MAME 0.139u1 Roms for Download

Gridlee also uses MAME4iOS as its emulator and we also have it available on the link below along with the older MAME4All emulator.

MAME4iOS-Reloaded for Download

After you have got your ROMS for Gridlee you might also want to download Cheats for 0.139u1, they are as follows

MAME4iOS Gridlee Cheats Download

Thats it for now, please fell free to add your questions and other comments below.

Re: Gridlee MAME4iOS ROMs download and FAQ

PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 3:53 am
I'm one of these people who came across your site for only having a 39ul catalogue :) So far i've got most games i like working, exept a few that require "CHDs" but i checked the MAME CHD section & you don't
have the versions for 0.139ul. Or can i use for example 0.40ul on a 0.139ul Rom like as an example?

Only problem is... i wish i had an iphone 5, i have thre 4 which runs the apple A4 chip. The 39ul is slow on that (best works with 37ul roms) A6 chips will work better with 39ul.

Re: Gridlee MAME4iOS ROMs download and FAQ

PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 8:05 pm
by becksandphil

I've been trying to get one specific rom to work off your webpage on my ipad mini using Gridlee,

mt_kcham. Am I doing something wrong? It wont work on the .39 mame emu for pc either.


Re: Gridlee MAME4iOS ROMs download and FAQ

PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:51 pm
by agipaok
Where exactly in gridlee i put cheats zip file ?? :freakout:

Re: Gridlee MAME4iOS ROMs download and FAQ

PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 6:06 am
by metaclam
What exactly is the difference between Gridlee and MAME4iOS? I have Gridlee from the app store and also MAME4iOS 1.3 from Cydia. Should I prefer one over the other?

Re: Gridlee MAME4iOS ROMs download and FAQ

PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 1:41 pm
Well with Gridlee you don't need a jail broken iOS device. Say you loose your JB or your waiting to be jail broken, you can still use griddle (mame4ios) which for me is better for future proofing.

Re: Gridlee MAME4iOS ROMs download and FAQ

PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 2:16 pm
by Hot Trout
metaclam wrote:What exactly is the difference between Gridlee and MAME4iOS? I have Gridlee from the app store and also MAME4iOS 1.3 from Cydia. Should I prefer one over the other?

See my topic above. Gridlee is the name of an Arcade game that you can download from App Store for your iOS device. It happens to use MAME4iOS at its core to emulate the arcade machine it ran on. The cool thing is that if you place other arcade games in the ROMS folder on the iOS device, then you can play them as well.

Gridlee is not an emulator, it is the game rom which is offered in a wraped up downloading which consists of MAME4iOS and Gridlee Rom.

I hope this explains it more fully.

Re: Gridlee MAME4iOS ROMs download and FAQ

PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 2:41 pm
by metaclam
Thanks. I knew that though. What I'm wondering is whether there would be any reason to use the "Gridlee" app instead of the MAME4iOS app installed by Cydia? My thinking is that at least MAME4iOS may be updated, while "Gridlee" is a one time deal and will be stuck on the current version.

Re: Gridlee MAME4iOS ROMs download and FAQ

PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 9:26 pm
by kog3100_edw
Hi All.
New member/poster.

I can attest to the awesomeness of getting iMame4All working on an iPad 2 (uses .037b romset), especially if you go the whole nine yards and get an iCade... that I then modified with Sanwa joystick and buttons!

But in wanting to add then newer MAME4iOS Reloaded, getting all the ROMs together has proven difficult or incredibly laborious. Here at TheOldComputer there's a full set of ROMs, but no 'bundle' that I can see. Under the megapacks for MAME, there's a Mame4ALL bundle. And there's a .037b set for iMame4All.

I'm an 'unlimited' member. What am I missing? Is there a specific 0.139 or 0.139u1 bundle that I'm just not seeing? Even if I had to download a letter of the alphabet at a time, I could do that, but there don't seem to be bundles by letter either. The only links on the 'listings by letter' lead to pages of individual ROMs.

How can I simplify my downloads by sets for 0.139?


Re: Gridlee MAME4iOS ROMs download and FAQ

PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:48 pm
by SE7EN
kog3100_edw wrote:Hi All.
New member/poster.

I can attest to the awesomeness of getting iMame4All working on an iPad 2 (uses .037b romset), especially if you go the whole nine yards and get an iCade... that I then modified with Sanwa joystick and buttons!

But in wanting to add then newer MAME4iOS Reloaded, getting all the ROMs together has proven difficult or incredibly laborious. Here at TheOldComputer there's a full set of ROMs, but no 'bundle' that I can see. Under the megapacks for MAME, there's a Mame4ALL bundle. And there's a .037b set for iMame4All.

I'm an 'unlimited' member. What am I missing? Is there a specific 0.139 or 0.139u1 bundle that I'm just not seeing? Even if I had to download a letter of the alphabet at a time, I could do that, but there don't seem to be bundles by letter either. The only links on the 'listings by letter' lead to pages of individual ROMs.

How can I simplify my downloads by sets for 0.139?


with the extremely large sizes of the various romsets for different versions of MAME, there would be no feasible way to offer more than single file downloads with some choice packs for downloads. Your only other good option would be to find a torrent of the mame pack you wanted and grab it that way, as there is not a site I have found in my many searches for roms that hosts larger packs on it's own servers. Just make sure if you go the torrent route.. use caution, try to find a site with a good userbase and check comments before you download. anti-virus scans are your friends :)