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150,000 Members and counting

PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 3:30 pm
by Hot Trout

We have increased our members by 10,000 since May 2015 so in just seven months we have went from 140,000 to 150,000 members. Well done to everyone that is involved and thank you for your continued support. A lot has happened to us during the summer and not all of it good but we are here and we are building for the future. We are now unable to accept PayPal donations and we will never again try to use PayPal as our experience has been shameful on them. Please send your donations via BitCoin for the time being as we work to bring in some new payment methods.

I would like to also ask you the members for your help in building a team to re-develop this great resource. We need web designers, coders and other help so if you would like to be part of something great please let us hear from you. Click on this link to find out more and join in the discussion.
