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Custom Nintendo DS Lite Project

PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 7:57 pm
by Kherr
Here's a little project I've been working on for around a week or so, and the only reason it's been a week is because that's how long it took for the casing to ship to me. I'm waiting on a bottom screen for it which hopefully will come in the mail today because the existing bottom screen doesn't work. The digitizer works just fine (the part that makes it a touch screen) and it registers touches in exactly the right places, so thankfully I didn't have to order one of them. Here's what the project looks like atm:

2013-03-01 18.07.53.jpg
Old casing laid out, new one finished up top

2013-03-01 18.08.12.jpg
New casing all nice and shiny...

2013-03-01 18.08.24.jpg
Look how accurate the bottom is to the original...

2013-03-01 18.10.29.jpg
Inside after it's been re-assembled...

The bottom screen has the white around it because it's the old digitizer and unfortunately that can't be changed without changing the whole digitizer. The old digitizer is fine so it's just gonna have to remain white...

And there you have it. That's exactly what the finished product looks like. Total time spent taking it apart and putting it together in the new housing was around 3 hours, give or take 10 minutes. 2 hours of that was spent on the upper half of the DS alone... that was a pain...

Re: Custom Nintendo DS Lite Project

PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 3:35 pm
by Langoor
Cool project! looks nice!

Re: Custom Nintendo DS Lite Project

PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 5:55 am
by Kherr
I'm actually selling it with an Acekard 2i... preloaded. :)
