The Blog on TOC

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The Blog on TOC

Postby crustyasp46 » Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:07 pm

Well a New Year is well under way, and there are thousands of items to discuss. Where to start, and what to talk about. Searching the web, there is so much information, and seems like so little time available.

Being a site for retro gaming and retro computers and retro consoles, do I stay with those topics only, or throw the odd political topic in as well? SOPA-PIPA are hot topics, as are the extraordinary powers that the US President has now. Assassination of citizens, secret evidence, secret trials, immunity from war crimes. and many more extraordinary powers that deprive US citizens of their rights.

I sometimes just feel overwhelmed by the very nature of the web, as there is so much out there.

I would like to post here at least on a bi-weekly basis, and would ask everyone to give their opinion on the direction I should take. Retro based articles only, variety of topics, slight mixture away from totally retro?

I would also like to suggest that other members submit articles as well, as I am sure there are many out there that are more articulate and knowledgeable than I am. Also, many of you have great stories to tell, and i would hope you would share them here.

I would like to see the TOC blog become a vibrant and alive part of the site. Please help me, Hot Trout and the site accomplish this. I am sure with your participation and words of wisdom that it can become a Blog to look forward to and read.

te_lanus your secrets on acquisitions of roms?
Kherr your love of retro music and your song writing?
All other members--- your amazing retro story, your most passionate interest?

Let us all as a community make this Blog a Blog to Blog about !

Thanks, crusty.
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Re: The Blog on TOC

Postby Hot Trout » Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:21 pm


Well said. I think the blog should be retro computing and gaming centric but should also be able to highlight/discuss topics that effect us or that are significant enough to warrant a discussion.

In general I think that posts should be concise, have some images/diagrams/illustrations where possible. Posts that are too wordy will only prevent people from following them.

I like the job that you done over the past year and will of course try and help you create some good a unique news items.

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