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Re: Dragon Mech's Weapons For Skulltag/Zandronum

PostPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 6:12 pm
by Dragon Mech
hello all! :)

i have taken a short break from working on my primary weapons mod to make a small, light weight weapons mod for everyony to enjoy untell i can finsh the new version of the main one. it dosen't have everything my main mod has but players should still be able to frag plenty of monsters. right now i'm play testing it to make sure it works well and has everything i think it should. if everything goes well i should be able to post the download url for this wad sometime next week. this lite weapons mod currently has these weapons:

Marine Rifle: From IoP-Beta7.2b.wad known as Cannon Automatic Rifle. i totally rescripted it and changed the sounds. this weapon will be in the new version of Dragon Mech's Weapons and will replace the Desert Eagle.

Marine Shotgun: currently in Dragon Mech's Weapons V3. this version of the Marine Shotgun contains the changes that i described earlier in this topic.

D3 SuperShotgun: got from (listed as Doom 2.5 SSG) and made some tweeks to the scripting.

Dragon Mech's MG: currently in Dragon Mech's Weapons V3,this version of Dragon Mech's MG contains the changes that i described earlier in this topic.

Predator MIssile Launcher : currently in Dragon Mech's Weapons V3,this version of the Predator MIssile Launcher contains the changes that i described earlier in this topic.

Twin Rail Rifles: This is the new railgun that i just put in to my main weapons mod. i included it in this mod so people can try it out. plus it's just really cool :D .

i may add a weapon to replace doom's BGF9000 and the Fist before i release this mod but not sure if i will.

that's it for now. i'll post more stuff about the main weapons mod when i continue work on it. see everyone later. :)

Re: Dragon Mech's Weapons For Skulltag/Zandronum

PostPosted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 6:25 pm
by Dragon Mech
hi everyone.

i know i said i would release my light weight weapons mod this week but Telanus has found a flaw in the mod that is just unacceptable. so i should have it ready for you all this weekend. i'm sorry to keep everyone waiting but i want to get everything just right :) .

Re: Dragon Mech's Weapons For Skulltag/Zandronum

PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 1:27 pm
by Dragon Mech
hello everyone :)

i've FINALLY finshed up my lite weapons mod. i did decide to replace the BFG9000 with SkullTag's BFG10K that is at but i added a secondary fire to the BFG10k to personalize it :twisted: . here are some pictures of the weapons in the mod.

this is the Marine Rifle that players will start the game with. it is a pump action rifle with a 10 round magazine. pressing the secondary fire button reloads this weapon. has perfect accuracy.

the Marine Shotgun. i've tightend the shot spread of this shotgun a little to make it more effective at longer distances.

the D3 SuperShotgun (labled Doom 2.5 SSG on i've adjusted the sprite timing of this weapon to make it cycle a bit faster than the normal Supershotgun. can drop a cacodemon in 2 shots at close range.

Dragon Mech's MG (check out the ego on this dude :P ). i've tightend the shot pattern on this MG to make it more effective at longer ranges. this is one of my favorite guns because it fires bullets at a fierce 2128 rounds a minute.

the Perdator Missile Launcher. this weapon fires two types of missiles. a normal missile that is faster and more powerful than the doom rocket, and a hyper velocity missile that is 5X faster than the normal missile but has the same power as the normal missile and a smaller blast radius.

i have two more pictures to show everyone. so please continue on to the next post to see them and to find the download url for this weapons mod.

Re: Dragon Mech's Weapons For Skulltag/Zandronum

PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 1:40 pm
by Hot Trout
Nice MOD, I like the look of the Marine Shotgun personally.

Re: Dragon Mech's Weapons For Skulltag/Zandronum

PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 2:18 pm
by Dragon Mech
here are the last two pictures of the last two weapons in the mod.

the Twin Rail Rifles (TRR for short). these rifles replace Doom's plasmarifle. unlike most energy weapons, these rifles are clip load weapons with 50 rounds per gun( 100 rounds total). pressing the secondary fire button reloads these guns.
Skulltags BFG10K. i got this weapon from and added a secondary fire to it. the secondary porjectile is a modified BFG Ball (i got the scripting for the modification from a different weapons mod) that spawns small energy balls when it hits something. the small energy balls fly out in all directions and can hurt the player if he/she isn't careful.

here are 3 of the 4 extra items that i've added to this mod.
this is the Life Sphere. it replaces the Soul Sphere and gives players 300 health.

the Giga Armor. this armor replaces the Mega Armor. (i made the Mega Armor replace the green armor and i made the player start the game with the green armor.) the Giga Armor reduces all damage by 75% and gives players 300 armor points.

this is a Drone monster that i made in to an item. when this item is used (players must have a "Use Item" button setup in the control options) it spawns an ally Drone monster that wanders around and attacks enemy monsters and may follow you around as well. players will be able to carry 10 of these drones.

the forth item is a Field Kit that replaces the stimpack. the field kit works the same as the drone item as far as using it. the field kit gives players 25 health and players can carry a maximum of 10 field kits.
and now for the Download url:

i hope everyone enjoys using this mod as much as i enjoyed making it. as always, any and all comments are welcome.


i almost forgot to mention this but i added 4 songs to this mod to replace the intro and between level music of Doom/Ultimate Doom and Doom II. the "Bulk" of the wad file are the songs. i've included a txt file with the mod that contains the credits for the songs.

Notice: All wad files mentioned in this post are not avalible anymore

Re: Dragon Mech's Weapons For Skulltag/Zandronum

PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 1:17 pm
by Dragon Mech
yolla everyone.

i've picked up work with my main weapons mod again. i'm working on finding/creating sprites for the ammo pickups and getting the random spawners written as i get the ammo for the guns setup properly. i'm toying with the idea of making the sniper rifle full auto instead of simi auto. and i may replace the BFG9000 with the same BGF10k thats in the lite weapons mod. i'm also thinking about making players have to hold down the secondary fire button to reload the marine rifle and marine shotgun. this way, players wouldn't have to wait for these two guns to finsh reloading if they were under attack.

that's it for now. i post more changes as i make them. see you all later :D :mario:

Re: Dragon Mech's Weapons For Skulltag/Zandronum

PostPosted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 8:20 am
by Kherr
It's a month late, but awesome! I'll be testing this out here soon to see what I agree with and disagree with. :p

Re: Dragon Mech's Weapons For Skulltag/Zandronum

PostPosted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 10:27 am
by Dragon Mech
as far as i know Kherr, you and Te Lanus are the only ones that have tried my lite weapons mod. so any input about it is most welcome. now as for my main mod, i have decided to not replace the Desert Eagle with the Marine Rifle. i just couldn't bring my self to do it. but i did slightly reduce it's power. and i decided to not make players have to hold the secondary fire button to reload the Marine Shotgun.i would of had to drop part of the reloading sequence to make it work right. i have completed setting up the ammo for all of the weapons and i did add the skulltag BFG10k that i used in my lite weapons mod. i'm still play testing it to see if i want to make any more changes. and to honor the game Quake, i have added the Vore monster as an enemy that will randomly spawn where ever the Hell Knight can be found. i found the Vore at even i fear this monster, and i'm the one coding weapons to kill it :P :D .
Hi Vore! Die Vore!

as always, i'll share any changes i make with you all as i make them. :cheers: :typing:

Re: Dragon Mech's Weapons For Skulltag/Zandronum

PostPosted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 7:05 pm
by Dragon Mech
hello everyone :)

i am FINALLY done with the latest version of my main weapons mod for zandronum. and to be honest, i'm finally done with the mod it self. there isn't anything more i can do to it without messing up the balance and feel of it. i have added another enemy monster called the Cybruiser.
Aawwww look, it wants to give you a hug :P

again, i got this from've tweeked the coding abit and added a second projectile attack to it.
it maybe small. but when compared with DooM's Cyberdemon, this Cybruiser is tougher and deadlier. this monster will radomly spawn where ever the cyberdemon can be found. i'm going to try to get my weapons mod uploaded before christmas but i'm not making any promises. also, i am in the planing stages of making another weapons mod. this one will be geared more for deathmatches and player vs player matches than single player games. i'm going to try to stuff as many weapons into it as i can starting with my main weapons mod as a base and removing all monsters from it.

i'll see you all later. :)

Re: Dragon Mech's Weapons For Skulltag/Zandronum

PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 6:28 pm
by Dragon Mech
hi everyone.

i got the last version of this weapons mod uploaded yesterday. but i made a last minute change to it. i placed the three ally monster spawning grenade guns in weapons slot 0. but players will still have to use the secondary fire on the normal grenade gun to obtain them. after that, players will be able to access the ally monster spawning grenade guns by either going to weapon slot 0 or by using the secondary fire of the normal grenade gun. here is the download url for version 3.5 Final of this weapons mod.

also, i have decided to continue offering my lite weapons mod. for those of you that don't like bloated weapons mods.

as always, i welcome any and all questions and comments. i hope that everyone who tries my weapons mods likes them and uses them. have a great new year everyone. :)

Notice: All wad files mentioned in this post are not avalible anymore