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Where do you save your roms and emulators?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 8:17 pm
by nanosev
Currently, I have my roms and emulators in an external disk that I care like a little treasure. Sometimes I feel paranoic and I think that this external disk could fail or something and lost everything. Im thinking about it and may be the best way will be have the archives on PC, and at least 2 external hard disks, so I want to know, where do you save your roms and emulators? Do you feel paranoic too about this? :freakout:

Re: Where do you save your roms and emulators?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 11:23 pm
by Dragon Mech
i have most of my roms on on the HDDs of the computers that i use them on. i also have them on a couple of USB Flash drives for use with older PCs with smaller HDDs and my Raspberry Pi that i have setup for emulation.
but i have the original download files saved to both a 1TB internal HDD and a portable HDD that i keep in a box when i'm not using it.

Re: Where do you save your roms and emulators?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 8:37 am
by nanosev
Wooww! Totally safe. Yep, something like you do is the best way to save roms, if some system fail, is better to have alternatives. In fact, is the best way for every archive(music,photos,etc) so now I dont feel paranoic about this jeje

Re: Where do you save your roms and emulators?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 12:02 pm
by Hot Trout
I have the site in its live form saved to a local 10TB Hard Disk as well as to the actual web server. I also have a copy stored to a 16TB NAS. I additionally have the various collections of roms spread across multiple hard drives that are in cold storage in a safe.

You can not be too careful.

Re: Where do you save your roms and emulators?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 9:30 pm
by nanosev
Well, so you are The Pentagon of roms jaja Yes, that is what I think,no matter how many ways to save roms there are, always seems that are few ways. Now I know that is normal to be very carefully with archives so I will spend some money to have my roms more safe against any damn or something ;) (at least, one external disk more)